Tuesday, December 25, 2007

if you know someone cuter...NO! there is none other.

Roen the greatest.

1 comment:

Mikayla said...

Merry Christmas ... a day late! well so your question was about how to get all of your posts on one page right? k so how you do it is you go to settings (its inbetween posts, and template) and so you click on settings and then you go to formatting, then the first thing you will see is Show: and so it will probably have some number in that box next to it...so delete it and put in a number up to 999 so like you can put 999 so you will never have 2 pages unless you make like 1000 posts! so the first number will be how many per page and the next box will be posts! ok! did that make sense?! if not call me ok! i want to see all of your christmas presents! k